
Marc Pantus

bass baritone

stage director

“Marc Pantus was a compelling bass, whose powerful notes rolled through the vaulted spaces of the hall, and with a German diction that was so perfectly natural (and he is Dutch, after all), that even someone fresh to that language could hear the inner logic of his phrases.”

Berkeley Times, Adam Broner

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De Leidse Salon


In de loop van de kunstgeschiedenis lieten talloze kunstenaars zich inspireren door Goethes versie van de Faustlegende. Goethes treurspel met zijn beroemde personages Gretchen, Mephisto en Faust zou wereldberoemd worden. De lijst van componisten die delen uit de Faust bewerkten bevat Gounod, Berlioz, Liszt en vele anderen. Bariton Marc Pantus stelde een Faust samen aan de hand van liederen op Goethes teksten uit de verschillende episodes.


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Bass-baritone Marc Pantus, most recently praised by Swiss national press for his “brilliant” and “compelling” interpretation in Rossini’s opera La Gazzetta, is at home in opera as well as oratorio repertoire. This season he sang Bach’s Magnificat with the renowned ensemble Vox Luminis, Mendelssohn’s Paulus, Don Profondo in Rossini’s Reimsreisje/Il Viaggio a Reims with Dutch National Opera and the title role in Telemann’s comic opera Pimpinone opera in Italy and The Netherlands with the Amsterdam Consort.

Marc’s career has included many solos in Bach cantatas and he regularly sings the bass arias and the role of Christ in both St. John and St. Matthew Passions, receiving such press accolades as “The star was bass Marc Pantus, who presented a solemn Christ with his impressive voice.” (Deventer Dagblad, March 2008)

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F. Schubert - Winterreise, Gute Nacht by Marc Pantus and Daan Boertien

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© Candide Rietdijk

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